Heavy Commercial Vehicle (HCV) training  

This training is mainly aimed at the truck drivers. Whether it is for a company that  have identified problem areas that they want to address or for drivers who want to  upskill themselves, we at Dunatara can assist. Most of the courses have TETA  accredited options. This means that the student can build on his/her own portfolio  and be assured of the quality of the training. The unit standards currently on offer are  the following:  

Operate a light rigid vehicle – US 123257 (Code C1) 

Operate a heavy rigid vehicle – US 123253 (Code C)  

Operate a vehicle combination – US 123254 (Code EC)  

These courses are Defensive Driving. This type of training is about physical driving  skill, awareness and anticipation and driving with the correct attitude. We teach the  driver how to anticipate danger and how to avoid it. The golden rule is to predict  rather than to react. The following training can be added to existing courses or it can  be done as a course on its own, depending on the client’s requirement:  

Conduct basic fire fighting – US 12484  

Load general freight – US 123262  

Super link manoeuvring and reversing (non-accredited)  

The courses will consist of theoretical and practical training. We know commercial  drivers and vehicles have to keep moving. Therefore the training is structured around  the client’s time and needs. A certificate of competence, valid for 1 year, is issued.  Drivers are then required to be re-assessed annually, to keep up their high standard  of driving.


Dunatara and ATS Transport offers a learnership program on selected dates. This is  to help train and uplift potential truck drivers. During this program, the candidates are  helped to obtain their code EC learner’s and driver’s licenses and they then get the  opportunity to build up experience by assisting experienced drivers within the ATS  Transport fleet. Candidates are also required to attend training courses presented by  an accredited driver trainer with years of experience within the field of long distance  truck driving. The learnership program forms part our social responsibility.  

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) & Skills development facilitation  

Dunatara has an RPL advisor. This means that students, who are experienced in  their field and have attended non-accredited training courses, can have their skills  and knowledge assessed in order to get the relevant accreditation for their  qualifications. Dunatara can also do assessments to determine whether candidates  are suitable for their positions. We can also assist with the setup and implementation  of your Work Skills Plan (WSP) and Annual Training Report (ATR).